Category Archives: Meetings

Notice and Agenda for our public meeting (and Annual General Meeting) on Wed Jun 9th 7pm

Our June 2021 meeting, which will also be our Annual General Meeting, will take place on Wednesday 9th June at 7pm via Zoom. The meeting will be divided into two sections, the first being our AGM, and then a regular business meeting.


2021 AGM

2. Minutes of AGM held on 6 march 2019
3. Convenor’s report 2019/20 and 2020/21
4. Treasurer’s report
5. Approval of 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21accounts
6. Election of officers: Convenor, Vice-Convenor, Secretary and Treasurer


1. Apologies
2. Declarations of interest
3. Minutes of last business meeting and matters arising: including dentist post; phone boxes; pier progress; An Turas; Baugh phone box
4. Correspondence: joint meeting with Tiree Trust; naming new fuel pumps; Jenni Minto, MSP
5. Reports from meetings: Mull Community Council
6. Consultation on Planning Policy and extension of consultation period
7. Transport: report on Argyll, Lochaber, Skye and Small Isles Ferry Stakeholder Group meeting; consultation on CalMac summer 2022 timetable and correspondence about this; representation on CalMac Community Board and press release; plans for meeting of Tiree Transport Forum
9. Dates of next meetings

Meeting papers:



TCC Accounts 2018-2019  TCC Accounts 2019-2020 TCC Accounts 2020-2021

TCC AGM Minutes Mar 19 (Draft for approval at this meeting)

Meeting joining instructions:

Please note: our meetings are recorded for the purpose of minute taking. If you do not wish your camera feed to be recorded, please do not enable your camera. Keeping it off rather than on but covered over also helps reduce internet load for participants.

Join Zoom Meeting online by PC or smart device:

Meeting ID: 869 7871 8240
Passcode: 503510

Dial in by telephone from UK:
0131 460 1196 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 869 7871 8240
Passcode: 503510

Find your local number to dial in from if not in UK:

Guidance on joining the meeting:

You can choose how you view the meeting using the app if joining via the internet – “Gallery view” shows you multiple participants

Please note that by default you will join the meeting muted (i.e. you will not be sending sound out to the rest of the participants) – please leave yourself muted unless you need to speak, and when invited to do so by the chair, and remember to re-mute afterwards. This is needed to ensure that the call is not made very difficult to follow by background noise from multiple people, which can be extremely disruptive to the call.

The mute and unmute button is in the lower left, and looks like a microphone, next to the button for switching your webcam on/off.

If you are using a telephone to dial in, the mute and unmute command can be given by typing on your handset:


If joining by computer, you can find a button to “Raise your hand” to ask to speak under the “Participants” menu, accessed by pressing the Participants button (looks like a human figure, in the middle of the bottom part of the window). You can also use the chat function to make a comment or to ask to speak on a point.

You can “raise your hand” to ask to speak if phoning in by using the code:


As ever if you have questions or if there is anything we can do to help you take part in the meeting accessibly, please let us know by e-mailing 

Notice and Agenda for our public meeting Wed 12th May 2021

Our May 2021 meeting will take place on Wednesday 12th May at 7pm via Zoom


1.     Welcome
2.     Apologies
3.     Declaration of interest
4.     Minutes of last meeting and matters arising:  including updates on damage to An Turas; Scarinish Pier; High telecare costs in Argyll and Bute; distribution of the new Tiree driving leaflet and sign; the vacancy for Tiree Dentist; Tiree Parent-Teacher Council; and result of Cycle repair stands pre-planning advice
5.     Correspondence: including a suggestion about the ferry timetable, and the Police report: Tiree Community Council Police report 12.05.21
6.     Meetings attended: Visit Scotland, Mull Community Council
7.     Redevelopment of the Gott Bay pier marshalling area: progress report, including a report on the recent Gott Bay Harbour Users Group meeting
8.    Planning policy: agreeing publication of our draft TCC Planning Policy, and a schedule for consultation on it
9.    Transport: updates on the ferry and air service and the next meeting of the Tiree Transport Forum
10.   Community garden: progress report
11.  AOCB: a chance for members of the public to raise matters that are not on the agenda

Draft minutes of the previous meeting: DRAFT-COMMUNITY-COUNCIL-MINUTES-APR

Meeting joining instructions:

Please note: our meetings are recorded for the purpose of minute taking. If you do not wish your camera feed to be recorded, please do not enable your camera, switch it off using the Camera button on the app, rather than covering it – this helps reduce internet load for participants.

Join Zoom Meeting online by PC or smart device:
Meeting ID: 835 4682 1092
Passcode: 761712

Dial in by telephone from UK:
0131 460 1196 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 835 4682 1092
Passcode: 761712
Find your local number:

Guidance on joining the meeting:

You can choose how you view the meeting using the app if joining via the internet – “Gallery view” shows you multiple participants

Please note that by default you will join the meeting muted (i.e. you will not be sending sound out to the rest of the participants) – please leave yourself muted unless you need to speak, and when invited to do so by the chair, and remember to re-mute afterwards. This is needed to ensure that the call is not made very difficult to follow by background noise from multiple people, which can be extremely disruptive to the call.

The mute and unmute button is in the lower left, and looks like a microphone, next to the button for switching your webcam on/off.

If you are using a telephone to dial in, the mute and unmute command can be given by typing on your handset:


If joining by computer, you can find a button to “Raise your hand” to ask to speak under the “Participants” menu, accessed by pressing the Participants button (looks like a human figure, in the middle of the bottom part of the window). You can also use the chat function to make a comment or to ask to speak on a point.

You can “raise your hand” to ask to speak if phoning in by using the code:


As ever if you have questions or if there is anything we can do to help you take part in the meeting accessibly, please let us know by e-mailing 

Notice and agenda for our 14th April 2021 meeting

Our April 2021 meeting will take place on Wednesday 14th April at 7pm via Zoom


1.     Welcome
2.     Apologies
3.     Declaration of interest
4.     Minutes of last meeting and matters arising: including coastal erosion; high cost of heating houses on Tiree; simultaneous translation into Gaelic for public meetings
5.     Correspondence: election hustings in Mull; Tiree Airport ADAF survey; Baugh public telephone box; dentist; road safety leaflet; reduced croft payments; Tobermory High School; Hustings being held by Mull + Iona Trust for our Scottish Parliament constituency Thurs 15th
6.     Pier survey: report by Alison Clark and discussion of next steps
7.     Timetable for easing restrictions: report by Phyl Meyer and Iona Campbell on the results of surveys from Tiree and other islands, Scottish Government current recommendations and likely future dates
8.     Presentation of draft Tiree Community Council planning policy by John Patience and the planning sub-committee, with a public meeting for consultation to follow
9.     The pros and cons of in-person versus Zoom for Tiree Community Council public meetings
10.  Transport: report by Gerard McGoogan on Calmac and Interruption in HebAir schedule
11.  Scarinish Community Garden: report by Gerard McGoogan
12.  Community Council phone box project: report by John Patience
13.  Cycle repair stand project: report by Phyl Meyer
14.  Dates of AGM and a summer recess
15.  AOCB: a chance for members of the public to raise matters that are not on the agenda

Draft minutes of the previous meeting: DRAFT-COMMUNITY-COUNCIL-MINUTES-MARCH

As mentioned under correspondence, there is an election hustings being held by Mull and Iona Community Development Trust for candidates for the local Scottish Parliament constituency of Argyll and Bute the day after our meeting. They will be streaming the hustings via their Facebook Page.

Meeting joining instructions:

Please note: our meetings are recorded for the purpose of minute taking. If you do not wish your camera feed to be recorded, please do not enable your camera, or switch it off using the Camera button on the app, rather than covering it – this helps reduce internet load for participants.

Join Zoom Meeting online by PC or smart device:

Meeting ID: 827 8254 8642
Passcode: 582788

Dial in by telephone from UK:
+44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom
+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 827 8254 8642
Passcode: 582788
Find your local number:

Guidance on joining the meeting:

You can choose how you view the meeting using the app if joining via the internet – “Gallery view” shows you multiple participants

Please note that by default you will join the meeting muted (i.e. you will not be sending sound out to the rest of the participants) – please leave yourself muted unless you need to speak, and when invited to do so by the chair, and remember to re-mute afterwards. This is needed to ensure that the call is not made very difficult to follow by background noise from multiple people, which can be extremely disruptive to the call.

The mute and unmute button is in the lower left, and looks like a microphone, next to the button for switching your webcam on/off.

If you are using a telephone to dial in, the mute and unmute command can be given by typing on your handset:


If joining by computer, you can find a button to “Raise your hand” to ask to speak under the “Participants” menu, accessed by pressing the Participants button (looks like a human figure, in the middle of the bottom part of the window). You can also use the chat function to make a comment or to ask to speak on a point.

You can “raise your hand” to ask to speak if phoning in by using the code:


As ever if you have questions or if there is anything we can do to help you take part in the meeting accessibly, please let us know by e-mailing 

Notice and agenda for March 2021 meeting

Our March 2021 meeting will take place on Wednesday 10th March at 7pm via Zoom

Agenda: (Initials in brackets indicate the member speaking to the item)

1. Welcome and introduction
2. Apologies
3. Declarations of conflicts of interest
4. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising, including coastal erosion
5. Correspondence: graveyard consultation (JH); cycle repair stands (PM); community council training (PM); banked flights for cattle sale (GM); dentist (JH); bin lorry (JH); phone box in Baugh (GM); road safety leaflet (JH)
6. Argyll and Bute Council budget 2021-22 summary
7. Ferries (GM):  How can the service be made more robust next winter? Recent Transport Scotland query about possible service reduction. Extended winter timetable. Should the community council lobby for protected access to the ferry for islanders during what is expected to be a very busy season?
8. Pier Area working group report (AC and SC): approval for a public survey, and delays in obtaining the pier pedestrian safety report
9. Community Garden beside Pier View: a new proposal (GM)
10. Simultaneous translation into Gaelic for community council public meetings: report on progress (JH)
11. Planning sub-committee report (JP)
12. Is Zoom the way forward after the pandemic, or should we try to go back to in-person public meetings? Setting a date for a Zoom AGM (PM)
13. AOCB: a chance for members of the public to raise new matters of concern

Draft minutes of the previous meeting: DRAFT-COMMUNITY-COUNCIL-MINUTES-FEB

Meeting joining instructions:

Please note: our meetings are recorded for the purpose of minute taking. If you do not wish your camera feed to be recorded, please do not enable your camera, or switch it off using the Camera button on the app, rather than covering it – this helps reduce internet load for participants.

Join Zoom Meeting online by PC or smart device:

Meeting ID: 899 4399 1647
Passcode: 624295

Dial in by telephone from UK:
+44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom
+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 899 4399 1647
Passcode: 624295
Find your local number:

Guidance on joining the meeting:

You can choose how you view the meeting using the app if joining via the internet – “Gallery view” shows you multiple participantsPlease note that by default you will join the meeting muted (i.e. you will not be sending sound out to the rest of the participants) – please leave yourself muted unless you need to speak, and when invited to do so by the chair, and remember to re-mute afterwards. This is needed to ensure that the call is not made very difficult to follow by background noise from multiple people, which can be extremely disruptive to the call.

If joining by computer, you can find a button to “Raise your hand” to ask to speak under the “Participants” menu, accessed by pressing the Participants button (looks like a human figure, in the middle of the bottom part of the window). You can also use the chat function to make a comment or to ask to speak on a point.

The mute and unmute button is in the lower left, and looks like a microphone, next to the button for switching your webcam on/off.

If you are using a telephone to dial in, the mute and unmute command can be given by typing:


You can also “raise your hand” to ask to speak using:


As ever if you have questions or if there is anything we can do to help you take part in the meeting accessibly, please let us know by e-mailing 

February 10th 2021 meeting

Our February meeting of 2021 will take place on Wednesday 10th Feb at 7pm via Zoom.


1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Declarations of interest
4. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising: including pier sub-committee report; encouraging Gaelic use in community council business; fuel poverty; TCC email system
5. Correspondence: Argyll and Bute graveyard consultation; road gritting; fabric of Kirkapol Old Parish Church; driving on the beach; ferry bookings at the end of lockdown; bed and breakfast survey; the cost of community health panic alarm service
6. Erosion risk to the island: do we need to commission a study?
7. Website and social media moderation policy and councillors responsible (Note: Draft proposed comment moderation policy has been posted below)
8. Planning: report on the work of the planning sub-committee
9. Any other business: this is a chance for members of the public to raise matters that are not on the agenda

Draft minutes of last meeting: DRAFT-COMMUNITY-COUNCIL-MINUTES-JAN-2021

Proposed TCC Online Moderation Policy – updated draft 09/02/21

    1. Please be kind, courteous and constructive: No hate speech, or the use of aggressive, offensive or foul language will be tolerated. Respect the views of others and, in the event of disagreement, please do so politely.
    2. Please keep your comment relevant: Stay on topic and keep the conversation productive.
    3. Please don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t want shared, or that you wouldn’t want to put your name to: Our website requires you to sign-in using your own name before posting a comment, as does Facebook. Anonymous posting or obvious pseudonyms will not be approved by moderators.
    4. When you participate in a discussion, you are responsible for ensuring that any material you post to the TCC website does not violate or infringe upon the copyright, patent, trademark, or any other personal or proprietary rights of any third party, and is posted with the permission of the owner(s) of such rights.

TCC reserves the right to remove comments that do not comply with these rules. On our website, this will mean that any comments that do not comply with the rules will not be approved and published. On Facebook, any such comments will be deleted if noticed or brought to the attention of a moderator by a member of the community.

Posts on the TCC website and Facebook page will be moderated by the TCC secretary or other nominated councillors. If a comment is thought to be unsuitable for publication on the TCC website or Facebook page, it will be returned to the author with an explanation. More complex cases may be discussed by the whole community council in a private meeting.

TCC reserves the right to share and discuss comments and points that are made publicly online.


Meeting joining instructions:

Please note: our meetings are recorded for the purpose of minute taking. If you do not wish your camera feed to be recorded, please do not enable your camera.

Join Zoom Meeting online by PC or smart device:

Meeting ID: 899 4399 1647
Passcode: 624295

Dial in by telephone from UK:
+44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom
+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 899 4399 1647
Passcode: 624295
Find your local number:

Guidance on joining the meeting:

Please note that by default you will join the meeting muted (i.e. you will not be sending sound out to the rest of the participants) – please leave yourself muted unless you need to speak, and when invited to do so by the chair, and remember to re-mute afterwards. This is needed to ensure that the call is not made very difficult to follow by background noise from multiple people, which can be extremely disruptive to the call.

If joining by computer, you can find a button to “Raise your hand” to ask to speak under the “Participants” menu, accessed by pressing the Participants button (looks like a human figure, in the middle of the bottom part of the window). You can also use the chat function to make a comment or to ask to speak on a point.

The mute and unmute button is in the lower left, and looks like a microphone, next to the button for switching your webcam on/off.

If you are using a telephone to dial in, the mute and unmute command can be given by typing:


You can also “raise your hand” to ask to speak using:


As ever if you have questions or if there is anything we can do to help you take part in the meeting accessibly, please let us know by e-mailing 

January 13th 2021 meeting

Our first meeting of 2021 will take place on Wednesday 13th Jan at 7pm via Zoom.


1. Welcome: use of, and rules around, the chat function at Zoom meetings of Tiree Community Council
2. Apologies
3. Declarations of interest
4. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising: Boundary Commission submission and proposed meeting with the Commission; current planning applications; reducing domestic water consumption; Islands Act and use of the new Island Community Impact Statements (ICIA) as a tool for island groups, replacing our email system
5. Correspondence: clothes project with a student from the Glasgow School of Art; vacancy on CalMac Community Board; the need for a new refuse collection vehicle; the effect of Marine Protected Area status on the island’s fishing fleet
6. Factor Hugh Nicol: the extraction of sand and gravel from beaches; vehicular access to beaches; land for social housing; pier area design; re-starting of Access Group?
7. Pier marshalling area: the need for better layout
8. New Covid regulations, including travel to and from the island
9. Tiree Community Council website and Facebook page policies
10. Expanding the role of Gaelic in Tiree Community Council business: possible bi-lingual minutes, website and simultaneous translation of public Council meetings
11. Fuel poverty on Tiree
12. Report from Tiree Community Council planning sub-committee
13. AOCB: a chance for the public to raise matters that they want the Council to consider
14. Thanks

Draft minutes of last meeting: DRAFT-COMMUNITY-COUNCIL-MINUTES-DECEMBER-2020

Joining instructions:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 2007 4611
Passcode: 879210

Dial in from UK:
+44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom
+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 846 2007 4611
Passcode: 879210
Find your local number:

Guidance on joining the meeting:

Please note that by default you will join the meeting muted (i.e. you will not be sending sound out to the rest of the participants) – please leave yourself muted unless you need to speak, and when invited to do so by the chair, and remember to re-mute afterwards. This is needed to ensure that the call is not made very difficult to follow by background noise from multiple people, which can be extremely disruptive to the call.

If joining by computer, you can find a button to “Raise your hand” to ask to speak under the “Participants” menu, accessed by pressing the Participants button (looks like a human figure, in the middle of the bottom part of the window). You can also use the chat function to make a comment or to ask to speak on a point.

The mute and unmute button is in the lower left, and looks like a microphone, next to the button for switching your webcam on/off.

If you are using a telephone to dial in, the mute and unmute command can be given by typing:


You can also “raise your hand” to ask to speak using:


As ever if you have questions or if there is anything we can do to help you take part in the meeting accessibly, please let us know by e-mailing 

Notice of meeting: Wed 9th December 2020

Our next public meeting will be at 7pm on Wednesday 9th December, via Zoom.


1. Apologies
2. Councillors’ conflicts of interest
3. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising: apologies for late posting of last month’s minutes, Gaelic, Covid tier allocation
4. Correspondence: announcement of Marine Protected Area status, state of area at head of the pier, heating in Pier View housing, Police report
5. Meetings attended by councillors and sub-committee meetings in last month: planning, agenda, Mull and Iona Community Council public meetings, Harbour Users Consultative Forum, joint meeting with the Trust
6. Financial report for Tiree Community Council
7. Presentation by representatives of Scottish Water with an opportunity to ask questions
8. Boundaries Commission proposal and consultation: this motion will be debated: ‘Tiree Community Council welcomes the proposal from the Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland to break up the existing Oban South and the Isles ward to create an islands’ ward within Argyll and Bute Council. We urge the Commission to go further and create a new single-councillor ward for Tiree and Coll on their own.’
9. Invitation of the factor to the next meeting
10. Agenda meetings: how the agenda is produced
11. Date of next meeting
12. AOCB

Meeting papers:


Minutes TCC agenda meeting 4.12.2020

Meeting joining instructions:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 847 2518 4200
Passcode: 768662

Dial in by phone:
0131 460 1196 or
0203 051 2874
Meeting ID: 847 2518 4200
Passcode: 768662

Find your local number to dial into if outside the UK:

Guidance on joining the meeting:

Please note that by default you will join the meeting muted (i.e. you will not be sending sound out to the rest of the participants) – please leave yourself muted unless you need to speak, and when invited to do so by the chair, and remember to re-mute afterwards. This is needed to ensure that the call is not made very difficult to follow by background noise from multiple people, which can be extremely disruptive to the call.

If joining by computer, you can find a button to “Raise your hand” to ask to speak under the “Participants” menu, accessed by pressing the Participants button (looks like a human figure, in the middle of the bottom part of the window). You can also use the chat function to make a comment or to ask to speak on a point.

The mute and unmute button is in the lower left, and looks like a microphone, next to the button for switching your webcam on/off.

If you are using a telephone to dial in, the mute and unmute command can be given by typing:


You can also “raise your hand” to ask to speak using:


As ever if you have questions or if there is anything we can do to help you take part in the meeting accessibly, please let us know by e-mailing 

Notice of Meeting: delayed November meeting – 19th Nov 7pm

Due to widespread broadband issues on Tiree last week, our meeting scheduled for Nov 11th was cancelled – we have rescheduled the meeting for Thursday 19th Nov at 7pm.

The agenda is as follows:

  1. Apologies
  2. Welcome, especially to new councillors
  3. Declaration of conflicts of interest
  4. Minutes and matters arising
  5. Correspondence: repair schedule for A83, wartime debris on Crossapol beach; radio training
  6. Tiree water supply: challenges and solutions: (If possible to reschedule, we will have a presentation by Brian McCarthy, Reservoir Manager and Mark Petrie, Water Risk & Lifecycle Planning Manager for Scottish Water with the opportunity to ask questions
  7. Covid-19 tier 2 allocation for Tiree as part of Argyll + Bute Council area
  8. Transport update
  9. Openreach / Internet connectivity issues
  10. Forming Planning Sub-group
  11. Discussion of positions for TCC ahead of Tiree Trust meeting on certain issues:
    Proposed Motion 1: Tiree Community Council agrees to work with other bodies, including the Tiree Community Development Trust, Argyll and Bute Council and the Scottish Government, with the objective of developing policies that aim to increase the Tiree population as counted in the Census between 2021 and 2031.
    Proposed Motion 2: Tiree Community Council agrees to work with other bodies with the aim of increasing the number of Gaelic speakers on the island to 45% by 2031 as established by the Census.

    1. Procedural note: These motions have been submitted in advance to facilitate discussion, they will need to be formally proposed and seconded during the meeting before being discussed – they may be amended before being voted upon.
  12. AOCB
  13. Date of next meeting

The minutes from the last meeting are here: DRAFT COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 2020

Meeting joining details (NOTE – You will need to enter the passcode manually when you connect – this is to try to avoid “bots” joining the meeting):

Topic: Tiree Community Council November 2020 meeting
Time: Nov 19, 2020 07:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 3660 7103
Pass code: 985167

Dial in by phone:
0131 460 1196 

Meeting ID: 869 3660 7103
Pass code: 985167
Find your local number to dial into if outside the UK:

Guidance on joining the meeting:

Please note that by default you will join the meeting muted (i.e. you will not be sending sound out to the rest of the participants) – please leave yourself muted unless you need to speak, and when invited to do so by the chair, and remember to re-mute afterwards. This is needed to ensure that the call is not made very difficult to follow by background noise from multiple people, which can be extremely disruptive to the call.

If joining by computer, you can find a button to “Raise your hand” to ask to speak under the “Participants” menu, accessed by pressing the Participants button (looks like a human figure, in the middle of the bottom part of the window). You can also use the chat function to make a comment or to ask to speak on a point.

The mute and unmute button is in the lower left, and looks like a microphone, next to the button for switching your webcam on/off.

If you are using a telephone to dial in, the mute and unmute command can be given by typing:


You can also “raise your hand” to ask to speak using:


As ever if you have questions or if there is anything we can do to help you take part in the meeting accessibly, please let us know by e-mailing

Notice of Public Meeting: Wed 11th November 7pm

NOTE: Due to issues with internet connectivity affecting large amounts of the island in the days immediately prior to this meeting it was postponed. A new date will be announced shortly.

The next public meeting of Tiree Community Council is on Wednesday 11th November from 7pm via Zoom. The agenda is as follows:

  1. Apologies
  2. Welcome, especially to new councillors
  3. Declaration of conflicts of interest
  4. Minutes and matters arising
  5. Correspondence: repair schedule for A83, wartime debris on Crossapol beach; radio training
  6. Tiree water supply: challenges and solutions: presentation by Brian McCarthy, 7. Reservoir Manager and Mark Petrie, Water Risk & Lifecycle Planning Manager for Scottish Water with the opportunity to ask questions
  7. Covid-19 tier 2 allocation for Tiree as part of Argyll + Bute Council area
  8. Transport update
  9. Discussion of motions ahead of Tiree Trust meeting:
    Motion 1: Tiree Community Council agrees to work with other bodies, including the Tiree Community Development Trust, Argyll and Bute Council and the Scottish Government, with the objective of developing policies that aim to increase the Tiree population as counted in the Census between 2021 and 2031.
    Motion 2: Tiree Community Council agrees to work with other bodies with the aim of increasing the number of Gaelic speakers on the island to 45% by 2031 as established by the Census.
  10. AOCB
  11. Date of next meeting

(Agenda edited 06/11/2020 due to updated information, texts of motions added)

The minutes from the last meeting are here: DRAFT COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 2020

Meeting joining details (NOTE – You will need to enter the passcode manually this time when you connect – this is to try to avoid “bots” joining the meeting):

Topic: Tiree Community Council November 2020 meeting
Time: Nov 11, 2020 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 3660 7103
Pass code: 985167

Dial in by phone:
0131 460 1196 

Meeting ID: 869 3660 7103
Pass code: 985167
Find your local number to dial into if outside the UK:

Guidance on joining the meeting:

Please note that by default you will join the meeting muted (i.e. you will not be sending sound out to the rest of the participants) – please leave yourself muted unless you need to speak, and when invited to do so by the chair, and remember to re-mute afterwards. This is needed to ensure that the call is not made very difficult to follow by background noise from multiple people, which can be extremely disruptive to the call.

If joining by computer, you can find a button to “Raise your hand” to ask to speak under the “Participants” menu, accessed by pressing the Participants button (looks like a human figure, in the middle of the bottom part of the window). You can also use the chat function to make a comment or to ask to speak on a point.

The mute and unmute button is in the lower left, and looks like a microphone, next to the button for switching your webcam on/off.

If you are using a telephone to dial in, the mute and unmute command can be given by typing:


You can also “raise your hand” to ask to speak using:


As ever if you have questions or if there is anything we can do to help you take part in the meeting accessibly, please let us know by e-mailing