Category Archives: Gaelic
Cuts to Gaelic Development – joint letter
News broke yesterday that due to budget decisions affecting Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Scotland’s agency intended to support retention and growth of the use of the language in Scotland, a crucial fund which has provided grants to community organisations for staff capacity – the Gaelic Development Officers fund – has now ceased.
This will have a huige impact on the ability of communities like Tiree to take action to prevent the loss of Gaelic as a living community language – with Tiree being a community identified as one where we are very much on the brink of that loss right now, despite previous efforts.
Urras Thiriodh, the Tiree Community Dvelopment Trust, recently began work on an ambitious Gaelic Plan, and had even just this week been awarded funding to hold a series of events – but that grant proposal was based on the existing staff capacity continuing to be there – which is now in doubt.
We have agreed to co-sign the joint letter below with the Trust and are calling on all our elected representatives, Scottish Government and Bòrd na Gàidhlig to reconsider this decision and move funding for crucial community capacity on Gaelic in the correct direction.
Upcoming Gaelic events and activities – March 2021
#cleachdiaigantaigh – Argyll & Bute
Comann nam Pàrant have been working with partners to create a timetable with a wealth of Gaelic sessions and activities to support Gaelic Medium Pupils. This has been done under Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s hashtag, #cleachdiaigantaigh. The timetable is put together by Bòrd na Gàidhlig and hosted on the Comann nam Pàrant website.
If anyone would like any further information about Comann nam Pàrant or what we do within Argyll to support Gaelic Medium Parents please email
Fèis na Càisge (5-9 Giblean)
Tha clàradh fosgailte airson bùthan-obrach ciùil, seinn is dràma do dh’òigridh thairis làithean-saora na Càisge air a stiùireadh le oidean dòigheil nam Fèis.
Gheibh sibh tuilleadh fiosrachaidh an seo.
Easter Fèis (5-9 April)
Booking is now open for online Gaelic and English medium instrumental, song and drama workshops for young people, led by fun and friendly Fèis tutors. Workshops are free with donations welcome.
Please find further information here.
GME Videos, Comann nam Pàrant Nàiseanta
Comann nam Pàrant have released six new informative and concise videos about Gaelic Medium Education. The videos will look at GME at each stage from 0-18 and how families and schools dealt with lockdown.
The six videos will be released on Comann nam Pàrant’s Social Media Channels and are available on the Comann nam Pàrant website.
Comann nam Pàrant – GME Videos ( For more information please contact,
Stòrlann have released a series of ten short Gaelic films for use in the home. You can view the first short film in the series online at, click on Keek-a-Boo. ‘Gàidhlig nan Òg’ is a great place to look for songs and rhymes to support children in early years.
“Cofaidh is Cabadaich”
Bidh “Cofaidh is Cabadaich” aig Dùn Ollaidh is Ionad Gàidhlig Furan a’ tachairt air Diardaoin an 1d den Ghiblein eadar 1.30f is 3f air Zoom. Airson clàradh, cuiribh fios gu
Feuch gun sgaoil sibh am fiosrachadh seo gu neach sam bith a bhiodh airson a bith an làthair.
The next Dunollie and Furan “Cofaidh is Cabadaich” session will take place on Thursday 1st April between 1.30pm and 3pm on Zoom. To register, e-mail
For other news, events and opportunities please head over to the Argyll Gaelic Forum.
Last chance to respond to Gaelic in the Community survey
The consultation/survey currently running from Argyll and Bute Council on Gaelic in the community closes on February 14th.
You can read about it and respond here: