

Jigsaw piece graphic with the word "Governance"

All the required Governance documentation, including the Constitution and Complaints Procedure can be found on the dedicated Community Council page on Argyll and Bute Council’s website via this link :

Community Councils are the first ,or the ‘grass roots’, tier of statutory representation. They bridge the gap between local authorities and communities,and help to ensure the public authorities are aware of the opinions and needs of the communities they represent.

Community Councils are funded by their County Council , in our case Argyll and Bute Council  . The level  of funding is just £400pa. TCC has lobbied unsuccessfully to increase this.

"decorative image with word "Governance"The current Governance of Community Councils evolved from a consultation to the review of  the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils, and associated documentation.  This  ‘assisted in informing and shaping an amended Scheme to take effect from 26 April 2018.’

This amended Scheme constitutes TCC ‘s current Governance protocol.

In February 2021 TCC passed a new Comments and Moderation policy to cover how we would allow and moderate comments on this website and on social media – this includes a requirement that comments on this website must be made via a registered account using your actual name. Please read the comments and moderation policy here.


Declarations of Interest Protocol

Tiree Signed Constitution

Co-option Form

Model complaints procedure for Community Councils