
Welcome to the Tiree Community Council website

What do we do?
As a Community Council we are the  first, or the grass-roots, tier of statutory representation in Scotland.
We  bridge the gap between local authorities and communities, thereby ensuring that public authorities are aware of the opinions, and needs, of the Tiree community.
How do we do it?
We articulate the views and concerns of Tiree’s residents on a wide range of issues of public concern, and making representations to Argyll and Bute Council, Scottish Government and other public sector bodies within or affecting Tiree Community Council’s sphere of interest.
How do we gather the Community’s  views?  
Public meetings of Tiree Community Council are held regularly throughout the year, alternately in person and by Zoom. Our AGM will be held in person. You can find the digital joining details of our meetings under the ‘Meetings’ section of our website, along with the draft minutes of the previous meeting.
All members of the public are welcome.
Public meetings, and their agenda, are advertised a week in advance.
We are always happy to receive correspondence by e-mail with questions or issues to be raised.
Our website has a comments facility which requires you to register a named account to post.
We also operate a Facebook Page where routine issues are often flagged and comments can also be made there with a Facebook account.
Our public meetings are streamed on our Facebook page.
Both of these forms of comment are governed by a Moderation policy.
For those not wishing to use those mechanisms to comment on a page or a Facebook post, the option is always available to comment separately to us directly by email.
Planning Applications:
If you are interested in seeing what planning applications are currently being considered for Tiree, you can find the weekly lists of applications published here: https://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/planning-and-environment/weekly-list-valid-planning-applications
You can search these PDF documents (Keyboard shortcut Ctrl-F) for “Tiree” to find any application within our area.

Our Facebook Page feed:

AGENDATIREE COMMUNITY COUNCILOCTOBER PUBLIC MEETINGWednesday 9 October 2024 7pmBy ZoomLink to join Zoom Meetingus06web.zoom.us/j/7935569301?pwd=qeHEdMGGKZBvGdyw7cUVUi0LV9f57z.1&omn=82198495394Meeting ID: 793 556 9301Passcode: jrHrb11. Welcome2. Apologies3. Declarations of interest4. Minutes of last meeting5. Matters arising: including police recruitment, update on the R100 scheme; report on the community garden project; new TCC Zoom account; all weather pitch 6. Correspondence: Scottish Water on recent maintenance work; usual police report7. District councillors' reports8. Transport: air service and ferry updates9. Update on the Tiree ambulance service Update on Waste and recycling 10. Update on Waste and recycling 11. Local Place Plan: update 12. Planning applications for the month 13. AOCB14. Date of next meeting ... See MoreSee Less
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Agenda meeting of TCC tonight. If you have anything you would like discussed, please let me know, John Holliday 07786 496 275 ... See MoreSee Less
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a ... See MoreSee Less
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Message from Scottish Water:Dear Stakeholder, I hope you are well. I am pleased to inform you that we have successfully installed 16 water meters across Tiree as planned. By leveraging the functionality of the meters, operatives can swiftly detect any changes or issues on the network. This allows for a prompt reaction and therefore, a reduction in the likelihood of an interruption to customer supplies. Initially planned to last approximately 10 weeks, work has been completed four weeks ahead of schedule. I've attached some pictures for your reference, and will update our webpage and social media (Facebook and X) to advise that the work is now complete. The work was jointly carried out by Scottish Water and our contractor, MacAuley Askernish Ltd. We thank all residents for their patience and understanding while we carried out this essential work and hope you will see the benefits for years to come. If you require any further information or support, please contact me. Best wishes, Natalie MasonCommunications and Engagement Consultant ... See MoreSee Less
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Last month's meeting minutes:tireecommunitycouncil.co.uk/minutes-tcc-september-public-meeting/ ... See MoreSee Less
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