This slide show gives some information about the forthcoming switchover to the new digital phone networks:
Category Archives: Communications and infrastructure
Scottish Water project to put in new valves
Dear Stakeholder,
I hope this email finds you well.
I am writing to make you aware of planned Scottish Water works that will be taking place on Tiree from Wednesday, 14 August, for approximately 10 weeks.
The initiative aims to improve response times to burst water pipes and reduce potential interruptions to the supplies of local residents.
We have a dedicated webpage to keep residents informed on the progress of the work which can be found here – Tiree Meter Installation August 2024 – Scottish Water.
There will be no road traffic management in place.
Work is being carried out by both Scottish Water and contractor, MacAuley Askernish Ltd.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and would appreciate you sharing this information with your constituents and/or across your digital channels for further awareness.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to get back in touch.
Best wishes,
Natalie Mason
Communications and Engagement Consultant
M: 07442 944 317
Letter from HIAL about increase airport landing fees
Consultation on new sub-sea cable from Coll 5 October
Coll-Tiree 11kV Cable Replacement
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Distribution is seeking your views on the planned installation of a new 11kV submarine electricity cable which will run between Crossapol Bay on Coll and Port Ruadh on Tiree.
Currently, our plan is to install the cable in the summer of 2024 as part of our wider RIIO-ED2 investment programme. If you would like to find out more about the project, our Subsea team will be holding the following drop-in information events on Tiree and Coll:10.30am to 4.30pm, Thursday 5th of October,
An Talla Community Hall, Crossapol, Isle of Tiree, PA77 6UPAnnual Electoral Registration Canvass – Paid Roles Available
We have received correspondence from Walter McCulloch, Administrative Officer for Dunbartonshire and Argyll & Bute Valuation Joint Board, regarding canvassing on Tiree. These roles would be working to make sure the electoral register for Tiree is up to date.
Vacanices are still available if anyone locally would like to apply – these are paid roles. You can find more information about the roles and how to apply here: Canvassing Roles Available on Tiree
Baugh phone box repaired and restored
Sometimes persistence pays off! Although times have moved on for the classic red phone box and seeing one still in service is an increasingly rare sight in the age of smartphones, they can still be an important and valued service for some, and an occasional savour in time of need. Tiree has only one box still maintained in-service, the rest have been transferred to the community for use in various ways.
Unfortunately the Baugh phone box was inoperable for quite some time, and had deteriorated badly, with it’s door eventually breaking off entirely. This is an issue that has been raised with TCC several times over a period of over 3 years and has been raised with BT many times, but various factors not least of them the COVID-19 pandemic had delayed a full resolution.
We are however delighted to report that thanks to the attentions of BT engineers, the box has now resumed it’s former glory and is operational, repaired with a new door and some fresh paint:
UPDATE: Unfortunately, we have reports that there is still an issue – the coin mechanism is only accepting pound coins! This is on file to be addressed soon!
Outcome of our recent survey on Tiree’s timetable out of lockdown
Earlier today we sent the following letter to Argyll and Bute Council following our rapid-response survey announced on Friday:
Choice of Level for Tiree
Dear Robin and Pippa,
Following our useful meeting on Friday, Tiree Community Council wanted to gauge the opinion of the community on this matter as best we could in 36 hours. We therefore set up an online poll using SurveyMonkey.
We laid out our understanding of the situation laid out by the Scottish Government, and asked respondents to choose:
- For Tiree to remain in Level 3, which would allow travel to and from the island, subject to restrictions on indoor meetings, or
- For Tiree to move to Level 2, which would keep travel restrictions in place for an additional 3 weeks but allow for indoor meetings amongst island residents
Although we used the labels ‘Level 3’ and ‘Level 2’ for ease of reference, we acknowledge that those labels are not quite accurate, that the new arrangements proposed in the new route map are different. This was noted on the web post promoting the survey.
The survey was put together at great speed and using only our own resources. There are obvious methodological weaknesses: for example, a bias towards those using social media and the possibility that respondents could make inaccurate declarations of their place of residence.
However, we are confident it broadly represents the spread and balance of opinion in our community.
- 322 responses, including 273 residents, approximately 50% of the electoral roll
- Of the residents, 41% want to remain in Level 3 with travel restrictions lifted, while 59% want to move to Level 2 with travel restrictions maintained
- Even the majority of resident owners of tourism businesses want to move to Level 2 with travel restrictions maintained, albeit the split is more evenly balanced in this group
Many thanks for asking our opinion,
Dr John Holliday, on behalf of Tiree Community Council
You will note that we refer to the fact that what seems to be the likely options on offer to us do not correspond exactly to the former “Level 2” and “Level 3” – but rather that we used those labels as a way of simplifying the survey for people by using familiar terms – it seems we are now moving away from the previous versions of the Levels/Tiers with this new timetable, so the old versions of those levels/tiers do not really apply and things are still very subject to change.
The web post explaining the survey made this clear, although we understand some may (with the benefit of time and hindsight) feel things could have been worded better. All that can be said is that we did the best we could within the speed we felt we had to act and with which the survey was put together – and felt it best to prioritise a simple, intuitive approach.
We are given to understand that there may be further opportunity for (hopefully more thorough, less rushed) consultation on this soon. The results of this survey may not therefore be the final conclusion reached on this issue and we will continue to do our best to engage the community to ensure a representative position is taken going forward.
On a positive note – for the survey to have achieved 322 responses, of which 273 are from island residents (representing about half of the entire electoral roll on the island) in the space of just over 2 days is a remarkable response, of which we should all be proud. Thank you for participating if you were able to.
Thanks to some excellent work by TCC councillor Iona Campbell, please see below a write-up of the full results of the survey.
Result of Urgent Public Consultation on the Isle of Tiree copy
Urgent consultation survey – Tiree route out of lockdown
We have been asked on very short notice for our views in relation to the announcement First Minister Nicola Sturgeon made regarding the planned timetable for easing of restrictions out of lockdown for Scotland – specifically regarding the mention of there being options for islands like ours which have been under slightly more eased restrictions.
We have not been given much clarity on what possible range of options may be available but as best we can determine it seems likely to be a straight choice between two main options.
According to the timetable for easing restrictions, there is an expectation that we will be allowed to travel freely within Local Authority areas for non-essential purposes (rather than the “stay at home” restrictions operating on the mainland). There will then be a general shift on April 26th which can broadly be thought of as the mainland of Scotland returning to what was called “level 3” – for the most part. At that point up to 6 people from up to 3 households will be allowed to meet outdoors, and up to 4 people from 2 households can socialise indoors in a public place such as a café or restaurant. These are similar to the restrictions Tiree is currently under . However the key difference is that travel will from that point be allowed across mainland Scotland, not just within your Local Authority area – and tourist accommodation will be allowed to resume general operation – i.e. people will be allowed to travel and stay overnight, as long as it is using tourist accommodation.
Because island communities like Tiree have been relatively safer with lower or zero case levels, there is an option (we assume from April 26th) for islands like ours to drop from current restriction level (level 3) to what will be the new level 2 equivalent. We assume this to mean something similar to the restrictions which are expected to come in no earlier than May 17th – at which point up to 4 people from 2 households can socialise indoors in a private home.
However: The Scottish Government concern is that if people were able to travel freely to and from islands like ours, we would be under disproportionate risk if we were to be operating under greater easing of restrictions from the earlier date. They are therefore considering that if islands like ours were to continue to be treated separately from the mainland, and move to lower restrictions on April 26th, it would need to be accompanied by a continuation of travel restrictions to and from those islands until the later May 17th date. Note: we are unclear if this would also imply us not being able to travel within the local authority area from April 2nd
We are therefore being consulted about a choice on how we would prefer to be treated.
Again we must emphasise that this has been a fast moving issue and there is not a lot of clarity on exactly what options would be considered, there may be some sort of middle ground possible – but as best we can tell this boils down to choosing between two options:
Option A: Tiree would remain in “Level 3”, and would align with the new eased restrictions for mainland Scotland as of April 2nd, and then on April 26th. Tourists would be allowed to travel to and from the island as of the 26th, and residents would be allowed to travel off the island within Scotland (Note: not necessarily cross border travel to England or elsewhere) and return, but all under level 3 restrictions – e.g. no indoor visits, accommodation only in hotels/tourist accommodation instead of staying with family, etc.
Option B: Tiree would move to the new “Level 2” equivalent earlier – possibly from April 26th, or possibly even April 2nd (we aren’t sure on this point!) – meaning lesser restrictions within the island community (indoor visits would be allowed, etc) – however travel to and from mainland Scotland would NOT be allowed for visitors or residents until the later easing of restrictions on May 17th – i.e. these further eased restrictions would only be available to us within Tiree itself until that later date.
Short-term Survey consultation:
We have set up a simple short survey poll to canvass opinion from the community, in addition to reaching out directly to consult with Tiree based business owners and operators. We have been asked to feed in a view by Monday 22nd – three days from the posting of this survey – so please respond quickly! You can complete the survey here:
If you have only one device but multiple people wishing to express a vote, drop us an e-mail or comment on the page instead as the survey only lets you vote once per device.
Some factors that the TCC members have considered in our own discussion of this:
- Option A allows an earlier resumption of tourism visits and therefore trade for island based tourism business – with resulting economic benefit
- Option A allows earlier travel off island for residents – albeit with pretty high restrictions still in effect – which could allow for some family contact (outdoors or limited in public places such as cafés etc). Alternatively family could come here, but they would need to stay in tourist accommodation, and the same restrictions would apply.
- Option A allows for earlier access to things like travel off-island for shopping for things not available on-island – although note that this will not be practical for most people on Tiree from April 2nd as tourist accommodation for non-essential use does not resume until April 26th.
- We are only talking about a period expected to be 3-5 weeks. Is it worth adding another layer of restrictions/complexity for the island compared to the mainland for such a short time rather than just being treated the same as the mainland?
- Option A would have a greater/earlier risk impact on staff who work in service/retail that will be in contact with visitors coming here from the mainland.
- Option B allows greater freedoms within the island community – but not for travel to and from the island. So those with family and friends here could see more of each other under that option, but not for family elsewhere.
- Option B is technically the safer option for those who live here with regards to the pandemic – but vaccination levels are increasing steadily, and with the retention of higher restriction level for longer under Option A this safety factor as not as dominant as it was earlier in the pandemic
- However – if the planned easing of restrictions does not go well and there is a resurgence in cases, or new variants of the virus, etc, remaining more secluded may mean the island could avoid as severe a return to lockdown and some of that risk.
What do you think?
Feel free to register and comment on this post below with your view as well as completing the survey on the two expected options. Please be mindful of our policy on comments
Opinion survey on Gott Bay Pier, marshalling area, car park
As discussed at recent meetings there have been a number of communications to TCC about the Gott Bay Pier, marshalling area and the road and car park areas there. Caledonian Marine Assets Limited (CMAL) are considering some works there, and there have been suggestions that wider work could be done to improve safety, appearance and functionality of the area.
We would like to invite members of the community as well as regular visitors to Tiree to respond to a survey we are running on this issue, which can be accessed here:
Scottish Water – Tiree’s supply and network, and water saving
At our December 9th 2020 meeting we had a presentation (click here to download the PowerPoint slides used) from Scottish Water, in which a great deal of helpful information was provided about the Tiree water works and pipe network and how it has been performing in terms of leakage rates (actually very well) and how the peak demand in summer compares to the supply capacity (currently coping but without very much to spare – but efficiency savings could address this for some time to come).
Of particular interest to residents may be the following we were sent afterwards:
There was a query regarding how to report a leak. This can be done by calling the contact centre on 0800 0778 778. The number is on the front page of our web-site A leak can also be reported through the website by accessing and clicking on the “report” button and answering some questions.
There was also a query around leaks on (customer, household) supply pipes. I’ve attached a booklet from our web-site that notes that in certain situations we may be able to offer a subsidised leak repair or pipe replacement if certain conditions are met.
Scottish Water have a new water use calculator and are keen for as many households on Tiree as possible to try it out. It only takes a few minutes but gives great insight into how much water is used within the home throughout the day and an idea of some of the carbon savings you can make through reduced energy related to hot water. The process follows on to provide water efficiency advice and because Tiree is seen as a priority area free water efficiency devices are also available. Scottish Water have committed to provide a report on the findings from the “Get Water Fit” platform in the new year, so the more people we have responding the better the results.
The link to the water use calculator
While the link takes you to more general water saving advice. The presenters said that based on Tiree’s water use data, an improvement in water efficiency could free up enough capacity for a further 30 homes on Tiree. Small changes can make a big difference.
A particular example that was discussed and may be of particular note for Tiree are leaky toilet cisterns. The push button type, although supposed to be more efficient in terms of water use, are very prone to build-up of sediment or scale causing the internal seal to leak. This results in a steady trickle of water into the bowl, and so can go unnoticed or be ignored by the user for a long time – however because it is a constant loss of water it can result in a huge increase in water usage by a household.
Given that Tiree’s water is extremely “hard”, we are particularly prone to build-up of limescale in our plumbing, which may make this issue more common – residents are encouraged to check to see if their cisterns have this issue and address it if so –