Category Archives: Meetings

January’s TCC agenda and invite



7pm Wednesday 8 January

In-person Tiree Trust office, Crossapol,

and on Zoom and Facebook live stream


Zoom link:


1. Welcome

2. Apologies

3. Minutes of last meeting

4. Matters arising: including library update

5. Councillors’ reports

6. Meeting reports: including discussions on making Tiree a rat free island; use of the all-weather pitch

7. Transport update: including deck space pilot survey

8. Climate change working group report: including Argyll and Bute Council (A&BC) coastal erosion grant application

9. Visitor Levy, including consultation

10. A&BC budget

11. AOCB

12. Date of next meeting

Agenda TCC December meeting




7 pm Wednesday 11 December 2024

By Zoom or TCC Facebook

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 793 556 9301

  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Declarations of interest
  4. Minutes of last meeting
  5. Matters arising: outside lights at Coop; defibrillators online; Visitor Levy; travel warrants
  6. Meeting reports: R100 public meeting; Tiree terminal works meeting; Online Networking Event for Community Councils; Tiree Trust meeting
  7. Correspondence: proposal to look at rat eradication on Tiree; police housing consultation; draft Islands Strategy meeting minutes; high air fares
  8. A&BC Councillor reports
  9. Coastal erosion and climate change working group report: Trust climate change group; SEPA flooding meeting; Coastal Change Adaptation Fund application
  10. Consultation on the new Visitor Levy: report on correspondence; Facebook feedback; need for Island Community Impact Assessment
  11. Community bus transport
  12. Library status
  13. Transport matters: update from recent transport-related meetings
  14. Local Place Plan progress report: CLLD funding
  15. Planning applications: consultation on ABC Planning Department
  • 24/02158/PP: extension Heanish
  • 24/02056/PP
  1. AOCB:
  2. Date and location of next public meeting

Agenda TCC November 2024 meeting




7 pm Wednesday 13 November 2024

In the Tiree Trust Conference Room, or by Zoom or TCC Facebook

To join the meeting remotely, use this link:

Meeting ID: 793 556 9301

  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Declarations of interest
  4. Minutes of last meeting
  5. Matters arising: all weather pitch; Local Place Plan; HSCP consultation; police recruitment; community garden; temporary water tank; meeting with the Tiree Trust
  6. Meeting reports:
  7. Correspondence:
  8. A&BC Councillor reports
  9. Coastal erosion caused by Storm Ashley and future climate change
  10. Consultation on the new Visitor Levy
  11. R100 roll-out: update
  12. Transport matters: including CMAL meeting about the marshalling area and pier waiting room; airport passenger statistics; late Monday sailings; and variations in the desk space pilot
  13. Ambulance service: update
  14. Travel warrants
  15. Change in TCC Planning Policy:

The proposal is to change a section of the policy from:

  • ‘It generates eleven or more comments from island residents to the Community Council or the Argyll and Bute Planning Portal. These may be made in confidence’


  • ‘It generates eleven or more, or 50% of those in the application’s post code, comments from island residents to the Community Council or the Argyll and Bute Planning Portal. These may be made in confidence’
  1. Planning applications:
  • 24/01919/PP extension Kate’s Cottage, Kenovay
  • 24/01533/PP Replacement house Bail Ùr, Balephuil
  • 24/01206/PP House and kiosk
  • 24/00181/PP Heanish change of use to 2 letting units
  1. AOCB:
  2. Date and location of next public meeting

Agenda October TCC public meeting




Wednesday 9th October 2024 7pm

By Zoom or TCC Facebook

To join the Zoom Meeting, please use this link:

  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Declarations of interest
  4. Minutes of last meeting
  5. Matters arising: including police recruitment, update on the R100 scheme; report on the community garden project; new TCC Zoom account; all weather pitch
  6. Correspondence: Scottish Water on recent maintenance work; usual police report
  7. District councillors’ reports
  8. Transport: air service and ferry updates
  9. Update on Waste and recycling 
  10. Update on the Tiree ambulance service 
  11. Local Place Plan: update
  12. Planning applications for the month 
  13. AOCB
  14. Date of next meeting

Agenda September TCC public meeting




Wednesday 11 September 2024 7pm

In the Tiree Trust Conference Room, or by Zoom or TCC Facebook

To join the Zoom Meeting, use this link:

Meeting ID: 873 1447 2339

Passcode: 661417

  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Declarations of interest
  4. Minutes of last meeting
  5. Matters arising: ambulance service; salinity and mains water; community garden; all weather pitch
  6. Meeting reports: Jenni Minto, MSP; BT digital switch-over
  7. Correspondence: police recruitment; fisheries consultation; crofting consultation; ban on dumping of plasterboard and agricultural fencing; digital mapping of Tiree defibrillators
  8. A&BC Councillor reports
  9. Community bus service
  10. Future meeting with Tiree Trust
  11. Disposal of phone boxes, including sale of Heylipol phone box
  12. Repair of Scarinish fence
  13. Transport matters
  14. Tiree Local Place Plan: possible matters to consult on: primary residence declaration; design style of buildings; location of new buildings
  15. Planning applications:
  • 24/01554/PPP Site for the erection of dwelling house, Land North East Of 4 Kilkenneth
  • 24/01503/PPRetention of catering trailer, Scarinish
  1. AOCB: chicken registration
  2. Date and location of next public meeting