February 10th 2021 meeting

Our February meeting of 2021 will take place on Wednesday 10th Feb at 7pm via Zoom.


1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Declarations of interest
4. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising: including pier sub-committee report; encouraging Gaelic use in community council business; fuel poverty; TCC email system
5. Correspondence: Argyll and Bute graveyard consultation; road gritting; fabric of Kirkapol Old Parish Church; driving on the beach; ferry bookings at the end of lockdown; bed and breakfast survey; the cost of community health panic alarm service
6. Erosion risk to the island: do we need to commission a study?
7. Website and social media moderation policy and councillors responsible (Note: Draft proposed comment moderation policy has been posted below)
8. Planning: report on the work of the planning sub-committee
9. Any other business: this is a chance for members of the public to raise matters that are not on the agenda

Draft minutes of last meeting: DRAFT-COMMUNITY-COUNCIL-MINUTES-JAN-2021

Proposed TCC Online Moderation Policy – updated draft 09/02/21

    1. Please be kind, courteous and constructive: No hate speech, or the use of aggressive, offensive or foul language will be tolerated. Respect the views of others and, in the event of disagreement, please do so politely.
    2. Please keep your comment relevant: Stay on topic and keep the conversation productive.
    3. Please don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t want shared, or that you wouldn’t want to put your name to: Our website requires you to sign-in using your own name before posting a comment, as does Facebook. Anonymous posting or obvious pseudonyms will not be approved by moderators.
    4. When you participate in a discussion, you are responsible for ensuring that any material you post to the TCC website does not violate or infringe upon the copyright, patent, trademark, or any other personal or proprietary rights of any third party, and is posted with the permission of the owner(s) of such rights.

TCC reserves the right to remove comments that do not comply with these rules. On our website, this will mean that any comments that do not comply with the rules will not be approved and published. On Facebook, any such comments will be deleted if noticed or brought to the attention of a moderator by a member of the community.

Posts on the TCC website and Facebook page will be moderated by the TCC secretary or other nominated councillors. If a comment is thought to be unsuitable for publication on the TCC website or Facebook page, it will be returned to the author with an explanation. More complex cases may be discussed by the whole community council in a private meeting.

TCC reserves the right to share and discuss comments and points that are made publicly online.


Meeting joining instructions:

Please note: our meetings are recorded for the purpose of minute taking. If you do not wish your camera feed to be recorded, please do not enable your camera.

Join Zoom Meeting online by PC or smart device:

Meeting ID: 899 4399 1647
Passcode: 624295

Dial in by telephone from UK:
+44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom
+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 899 4399 1647
Passcode: 624295
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/k7QiR4DVU

Guidance on joining the meeting:

Please note that by default you will join the meeting muted (i.e. you will not be sending sound out to the rest of the participants) – please leave yourself muted unless you need to speak, and when invited to do so by the chair, and remember to re-mute afterwards. This is needed to ensure that the call is not made very difficult to follow by background noise from multiple people, which can be extremely disruptive to the call.

If joining by computer, you can find a button to “Raise your hand” to ask to speak under the “Participants” menu, accessed by pressing the Participants button (looks like a human figure, in the middle of the bottom part of the window). You can also use the chat function to make a comment or to ask to speak on a point.

The mute and unmute button is in the lower left, and looks like a microphone, next to the button for switching your webcam on/off.

If you are using a telephone to dial in, the mute and unmute command can be given by typing:


You can also “raise your hand” to ask to speak using:


As ever if you have questions or if there is anything we can do to help you take part in the meeting accessibly, please let us know by e-mailing phyl@tireecommunitycouncil.co.uk