Category Archives: Minutes

Minutes of the inaugural December 2022 meeting of Tiree Community Council

Inaugural Meeting of the Tiree Community Council held in An Talla Centre on Monday 19th December @ 2pm 

Present:        Jacqueline Bennett,  John Holliday , Phyl Meyer, Shona Barton (on behalf of the Returning Officer)

One member off the public attended

  1. Shona Barton, on behalf of the Returning Officer, welcomed all to the meeting.
  2. An apology for absence were received from Tim Arkless.
  3. There were no declarations of interest.
  4. It was agreed to appoint Phyl Meyer as Convener of the Community Council.
  5. It was agreed to continue the appointment of a Vice Convener.
  6. It was agreed to appoint John Holliday as Secretary.
  7. It was agreed to appoint Jacqueline Bennett as Treasurer.
  8. It was agreed to continue the appointments of specialist administrators.
  9. The community council considered and adopted the Model Constitution.
  10. The community council considered and adopted the Model Standing Orders.
  11. The community council considered and adopted the Best Practice Agreement.
  12. Shona Barton highlighted a range of governance issues including timescales for issue of agenda and minutes; the co-option process; forming committees; information on complaints processes and the process sanctions; Data Protection and training opportunities

It was noted that any policies which had been agreed by the previous Community Council would still remain valid until such times as they are reviewed by the new Community Council.

13. The date of the next meeting will be on Wednesday 11th January 2023 at 7pm                             via Zoom and thereafter meetings would be held monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month (with the exception of January and July).

Shona Barton

Inaugural meeting of the new 2022 session of the TCC

Following the election of Community Councillors in 2022, unfortunately TCC did not quite have enough members to re-constitute. We therefore had to suspend operations while a by-election was held to try to top-up our numbers. Fortunately this was successful and we now have the minimum required number to re-form.

The inaugural meeting of the new session has to be facilitated by an official from Argyll and Bute Council – this took place on 19th December 2022. Office bearers were elected, and an updated form of the TCC Consitution (incorporating changes to the scheme of establishment made by A+BC last year to make holding virtual meetings permissable permanently) was approved, as well as the Standing Orders.

The new office bearers are:

Chair: Phyl Meyer

Secretary: John Holliday

Treasurer: Jacqui Bennett

The note of the meeting and all papers, including the passed documents, are linked below:

Tiree Inaugural Minute 19.12.22

Tiree Community Council Signed Constitution 2022


Co-option Form

Declarations of Interest Protocol

Model complaints procedure for Community Councils