At our December 9th 2020 meeting we had a presentation (click here to download the PowerPoint slides used) from Scottish Water, in which a great deal of helpful information was provided about the Tiree water works and pipe network and how it has been performing in terms of leakage rates (actually very well) and how the peak demand in summer compares to the supply capacity (currently coping but without very much to spare – but efficiency savings could address this for some time to come).
Of particular interest to residents may be the following we were sent afterwards:
There was a query regarding how to report a leak. This can be done by calling the contact centre on 0800 0778 778. The number is on the front page of our web-site A leak can also be reported through the website by accessing and clicking on the “report” button and answering some questions.
There was also a query around leaks on (customer, household) supply pipes. I’ve attached a booklet from our web-site that notes that in certain situations we may be able to offer a subsidised leak repair or pipe replacement if certain conditions are met.
Scottish Water have a new water use calculator and are keen for as many households on Tiree as possible to try it out. It only takes a few minutes but gives great insight into how much water is used within the home throughout the day and an idea of some of the carbon savings you can make through reduced energy related to hot water. The process follows on to provide water efficiency advice and because Tiree is seen as a priority area free water efficiency devices are also available. Scottish Water have committed to provide a report on the findings from the “Get Water Fit” platform in the new year, so the more people we have responding the better the results.
The link to the water use calculator
While the link takes you to more general water saving advice. The presenters said that based on Tiree’s water use data, an improvement in water efficiency could free up enough capacity for a further 30 homes on Tiree. Small changes can make a big difference.
A particular example that was discussed and may be of particular note for Tiree are leaky toilet cisterns. The push button type, although supposed to be more efficient in terms of water use, are very prone to build-up of sediment or scale causing the internal seal to leak. This results in a steady trickle of water into the bowl, and so can go unnoticed or be ignored by the user for a long time – however because it is a constant loss of water it can result in a huge increase in water usage by a household.
Given that Tiree’s water is extremely “hard”, we are particularly prone to build-up of limescale in our plumbing, which may make this issue more common – residents are encouraged to check to see if their cisterns have this issue and address it if so –