We are currently running a survey to gather views from the community on proposed changes to the way schools are led in our Council area – proposals which are quite similar in many ways to the temporary arrangement that our own school has been operating under with Oban High School for the past two years.
You will find more information about the survey within the survey introduction. Please note that all submissions are anonymous. We will ask about what group you belong to within the community, but individual responses cannot be linked back to a named individual.
You will find links to information about the Council’s proposal and the school’s latest HMIE report in the introduction, or you can follow the links below.
To search for the HMIE Report: https://education.gov.scot/education-scotland/inspection-reports/?orderBy=dateDescending
The Council’s ‘Empowering Our Educators’ information page: https://empoweringoureducators.co.uk/