Agenda for February Tiree Community Council public meeting



7 pm on 21 February 2024

Due to double booking of the Conference Room at the Tiree Trust, this meeting has now moved to online only. Apologies. JH

On Zoom and streamed on the TCC Facebook page

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 8192 1522

Passcode: 923203

  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Declarations of interest
  4. Minutes of last meeting
  5. Matters arising: Winter timetable 2024; request for a new bus shelter at Pier View; rats; community garden; gritter; phone boxes; Scarinish fence; community bus service
  6. Correspondence: Ferry consultation, National Climate Adaptation Plan consultation; Jenni Minto on island 15 March
  7. Meeting reports: Ferry contract; Mull Community Council; Coll Community Council; Tiree Trust climate change initiatives
  8. Argyll and Bute Councillors’ reports
  9. A&BC budget proposals
  10. Democracy Matters consultation
  11. Ferries: possible changes to RET; timetables for winter 2024/5 and summer 2025; update on reserved deck space pilot
  12. Scottish Water: will the island have enough water in future?
  13. Balevullin Beach sand loss
  14. Planning applications for the last month
  15. AOCB
  16. Date and location of March public meeting