Agenda TCC December meeting




7 pm Wednesday 11 December 2024

By Zoom or TCC Facebook

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Meeting ID: 793 556 9301

  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Declarations of interest
  4. Minutes of last meeting
  5. Matters arising: outside lights at Coop; defibrillators online; Visitor Levy; travel warrants
  6. Meeting reports: R100 public meeting; Tiree terminal works meeting; Online Networking Event for Community Councils; Tiree Trust meeting
  7. Correspondence: proposal to look at rat eradication on Tiree; police housing consultation; draft Islands Strategy meeting minutes; high air fares
  8. A&BC Councillor reports
  9. Coastal erosion and climate change working group report: Trust climate change group; SEPA flooding meeting; Coastal Change Adaptation Fund application
  10. Consultation on the new Visitor Levy: report on correspondence; Facebook feedback; need for Island Community Impact Assessment
  11. Community bus transport
  12. Library status
  13. Transport matters: update from recent transport-related meetings
  14. Local Place Plan progress report: CLLD funding
  15. Planning applications: consultation on ABC Planning Department
  • 24/02158/PP: extension Heanish
  • 24/02056/PP
  1. AOCB:
  2. Date and location of next public meeting