Category Archives: Transport Forum

Visitor Levy survey

Argyll and Bute Council are consulting on the introduction of a new Visitor Levy. Visitors will be charged an additional 5% on top of their hotel or AirBnB charges. This money will then be spent on developing tourism in the area. Islanders would also pay the Levy if they stay overnight in Oban.

What do you think about it.

Take this short survey, and let us know!

Survey on Deck Space Pilot on ferry

We all know that getting your car onto the ferry at short notice can be difficult in the summer.

For the last year, about a tenth of the deck space on Coll and Tiree ferry (roughly 10 cars) is held back until a week before sailing.

The idea behind this Deck Space Pilot is to help people who want to travel at relatively short notice for things like appointments or family events.

The Pilot has been extended for another year. But CalMac and Transport Scotland are keen to find out what we think about the new system.

Tiree Community Council would be grateful if you could fill in this short anonymous survey. We’ll collect your opinions and feed them back to those who run the service.

TCC Survey on ferry disruption for Tiree residents/business

TCC has now launched a survey to allow residents and business owners to capture the impacts (financial or otherwise) of the current disruption to ferry services. Responses will be collated to give an overall sense of the impacts, as well as individual examples potentially being used as case studies (if respondents indicate they are happy for us to do so – that part is up to you).

Please complete the survey here:

Representative sought for West Coast Ferry Board

The Ferries Community Board (Clyde and Hebrides) is looking for new members to become voices for people who live in the areas served by ferry operator CalMac.

Members represent communities across the network and act to influence strategic issues such as the building of new vessels, infrastructure, resources and accountability.

Key achievements since the Board was formed in 2017 include the successful lobbying of the Scottish Government to release more funds for a new ticketing system. It has also been instrumental in bringing in service improvements such as the new mobile maintenance team brought in to improve fleet resilience.

Members meet four times a year and have an open dialogue with the Transport Minister, Transport Scotland and Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL). They are regularly consulted on national transport strategies.

Having a Tiree representative on this group could be a real benefit for us in ensuring Tiree’s voice is heard on the particular issues we face and needs of our community, and could be supported by TCC and the Tiree Transport Forum.

Details here:

Tiree Air PSO

Tiree Air PSO


The following press release was made by Transport Scotland ( 6 Sept 2019 )

The contract to operate the Scottish Government-supported flights to and from Barra, Tiree and Campbeltown has been awarded to Loganair.

The new contract, which will run from the 25th October and for the next four years, is worth around £21m.

The routes from Glasgow to the three airports will be operated using HIAL’s Twin Otter DHC6-400 planes.

The service improvements that were announced earlier this year have been built into the new contract.

Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity Michael Matheson said:

“I’m very pleased to award the contract to operate these vital air links for the next four years to Loganair.

“We have listened to local communities to find out what we could do better and the improvements we announced earlier this year have been built into this new contract to make sure we are supporting them.

“These flights transport people, goods and services, playing a crucial role for service industries and ensuring that residents have access to specialist healthcare. They also enable visitors to reach the islands easily, boosting local tourism.

“I congratulate Loganair on winning this contract and l look forward to seeing these enhanced services bring benefits to the communities they serve.”

Loganair Managing Director Jonathan Hinkles said:

“I’m delighted that Loganair has been selected as the operator to maintain these vital air services, continuing our record of service to the three communities which first began in 1974.

“The award of this new contract represents a vote of confidence in the Loganair team to maintain these lifeline links for a further four years, and we will do all that we can to ensure that confidence is upheld.”

Tiree Linkspan Replacement

Those of you attended the CMAL /CalMac Meeting  3 Sept 2019 would have seen this video

It shows the modus operandi of the Oban linkspan replacement from  leaving Glasgow to its  installation in Oban

The same modus operandi will apply next year to the Tiree linkspan replacement .

The heavy lift operation, putting the linkspan in place ,can take place in wind conditions up to Beaufort 5,  although sea conditions  and other issues will dictate when the the BIG LIFT actually takes place.

It only needs a narrow weather window to put the l/span in place.The ancillary works take most of the time-span.

CMAL have factored in a 10 day contingency margin , based on 10 year historical weather data  which explains  CMAL’s confidence in the Tiree project not exceeding  the current 24 Feb-16 Mar  outage period’.

CalMac’s presentation, re the proposed freight-only  ferry service freight, did not offer similar confidence.

MV Clansman 2020 Dry Dock schedule /LinkSpan Replacement

MV Clansman 2020 Dry Dock schedule /LinkSpan Replacement

MV Clansman 2020 Dry Dock schedule /LinkSpan Replacement

MV Clansman annual dry dock is currently scheduled from 23rd Jan to 17th Feb 2020

She also will off the Tiree service from 9th Mar through to 24th March covering another route whilst its ferry is in DD. This also co-incides with part of the l/span replacement period (24 Feb-17Mar 2020)

CalMac ,as yet , has not advised the proposed Tiree replacement ferry for both periods.

The Tiree linkspan will be out of service from Monday 24th February 2020 and will be back in service on Tuesday 17th March 2020.  

During this period Tiree will be restricted to a passenger only ferry service . Freight will be carried on a freight -only service from Oban . CalMac propose a Tiree meeting ,after the summer, to discuss the freight service modus operandi.

CalMac Reliability Presentation

TCC along with TTF met Robbie Drummond CEO of CalMac  on Wed 19th June to discuss the issues raised in TCC’s  submission to the CalMac Community Board  viz a viz unreliability.

This co-incided with other island ferry groups making similar submissions, as  a consequence of which  CalMac had decided to embark on this  road-show presentation

Oban-CollTiree_Weather Cancellations_June 2019 

TCC was not being psychotic .Tiree had experienced a rise from 9.7% to 16.2% in winter cancellation compared to last year , but this similar to winter cancellation rate for the 3 yrs 2013-2016 .

The reason given was ‘ increased frequency of inclement weather ‘

Calmac’s presentation was buttressed by several factors, one of which  was the increased threat of the criminalisation  of seafarers. This requires further scrutiny .

We will keep you informed

Clansman’s Engine Fire

We are all aware one of the Clansman’s engines went on fire last  Sunday, enroute to Tiree, and she had to return  to Oban for repairs
She has been out of service since, and on current prospects Wed 5th June will be the earliest  we can expect her to return into service
TCC has chastised CalMac for lack of ,and  sometimes conflicting information ,also  wishful thinking re her return to service.
CalMac has now offered this more detailed information :-
You may be aware that last Sunday (26th) the MV Clansman suffered a significant failure of the Starboard main engine, and that she has been out of service since while work has been going on to investigate the cause and carry out repairs. 
Given the seriousness of the failure, it was considered prudent to check other parts of the engine to see if remedial action was required elsewhere, to avoid further issues, and possible disruption in the future, especially as we move towards the very busy summer months. 
Regrettably these investigations have identified the need for additional work, ( a number of engine liners have found to be damaged)  and, as a consequence, the MV Clansman is not expected to return to service, subject to successful sea trials, until Wednesday 5th June.
In the meantime we have put in place a plan to redeploy some vessels and operate amended timetables across a number of routes which ensure all lifeline services are being maintained.
Details can be found on our website at, but the key elements are:
• The return Oban-Colonsay sailings on Sunday ( June 2)are cancelled and Monday’s (June 3) service will operate from Kennacraig. This is to allow shipment of essential fuel for generators on the island.
• Some sailings on the Ardrossan-Brodick route will be cancelled on Monday and Tuesday. (June 3 & 4)
• Next week’s Lochboisdale-Mallaig services will operate to/from Oban until the MV Clansman returns to service.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused, but trust that everyone will recognise that taking steps to minimise the possibility of a future breakdown at a busy time of year, is the prudent thing to do.
