The next Tiree Community Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 7th Feb at An Talla, 7.30pm. The agenda is as follows:
- Welcome and apologies for absence
- Correspondence
- Minutes of the 6th December 2017 and matters arising
- Transportation matters;
CalMac Community Board (Stewart MacLennan, Community Board)
Hebridean Air Services
CalMac Winter 2018 timetable consultation
Argyll Ferry Stakeholder Group, Audit Scotland Ferries Report Actions
- NHS 24 What it means for Tiree, (Dr Felicity Brand)
- H.I.E. Surplus Land at Pier View, (Jennifer Nicholl and Kirsten Logue)
- Broadband/Fibre Services.
- Tiree Flag Competition
- Any Other Business
Note. Tiree Community Council holds a monthly pre-agenda private meeting, which normally takes place approximately ten days following the public meeting. The meeting is to agree agenda items for inclusion and discussion at the following month’s public meeting.