AGENDA: Wednesday 8th May  2019 7.30 pm, An Talla

AGENDA: Wednesday 8th May  2019 7.30 pm, An Talla

1. Welcome and apologies

2. Declarations of interest

3. Correspondence

4.Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

5. Report of meeting with A&BC/HIE.

6. Tiree-Oban Air Service Tender Update

7. CalMac Community Board/Ferry Reliability Update

8. TCDT/TCC Joint Meeting Report

9. Phone Box Project

10. Scarinish Public Toilets

11. TCC Representation

12. Date of June meeting

13. AOCB

Note TCC’s meeting will report on its meeting earlier in the day with Fergus Murray, Head of Economic Development and Strategic Transport at Argyll and Bute Council. TCC’s hopes to report on the implications of the outcome of the Argyll Air tender which closed on Wed 2nd May .Also ,as Fergus Murray is A&BC’s man in charge of implementing the Islands Bill, TCC will report on exacly what A&BC has done , if anything , so far.