Agenda TCC April public meeting



7pm 10 April 2024

by Zoom

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  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Declarations of interest
  4. Approval of minutes of last meeting
  5. Matters arising: phone boxes; community garden; Scottish Water; lack of a BT engineer; Hynish passing place; Scarinish fence update
  6. Correspondence: SEPA and Potentially Vulnerable Areas
  7. Meetings reports: Jenni Minto, MSP
  8. Reports from district councillors
  9. By-election results and future co-option
  10. Fuel prices
  11. Transport: resilience of Glasgow flights; Oban flights; current ferry situation; proposed Transport Forum meeting; reported significant increase in aircraft landing fees at HIAL airports
  12. TCC accounts and annual grant from Argyll and Bute Council
  13. All weather pitch access
  14. Planning applications
  15. AOCB
  16. Date and place of next meeting